Jun 22Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

This is so lovely, Rebecca. Thanks for sharing this.

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Thank you for saying so, Joanna!

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Jun 22Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

Your words really resonate with me. A close friend gathered a few of us to celebrate winter solstice last night. There's something that happens in such gatherings, something born of middles, as you call them. Middles of lives, friendships, challenges. We shared stories of things going well and things that are a struggle. We laughed and we ate too much. I've never been much of a middle person. But I'm learning that it has a sweetness all its own. I love the thought that middles are a time for translating ourselves. Thank you for that metaphor.

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Carri, I love the thought we were both having such an experience at the same time. "Something born of middles." Yes, yes.

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

I taught high school, and in 10th grade, I could teach either Julius Caesar or Midsummer Night’s Dream. And no one ever chose MND. Interesting, huh? Except me. I taught it. And it was great. We did a lot of Tableau. Kids loved the whole play on words of bottom and ass. I think you picked the perfect part!! This sounds like such fun!!!!!

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Keri, I can imagine the students just loving that! New goal, if I ever get to teach high school British Lit. :)

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"working out how to translate life" - I can relate to so much of this essay, and this last line particularly named what it is I'm going through in midlife. Thank you.

Also - that cake looks amazing...recipe? :)

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Jun 25Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

Oh, this was just beautiful -- and I loved the post script. A few years ago, friends of mine pushed past their self-consciousness and invited a bunch of people over for a "jam-pot," a potluck and jam session with guitars and ukuleles and mandolins and banjos where none of us knew what we'd play until we were sitting there together with the chords printed off from the Internet. We sat in his suburban backyard and just jammed. The magic of that night still returns whenever I hear one of those songs.

I hope it's that way for you whenever you come across Midsummer's Night -- that you can bring back some part of your lovely, magical night!

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I love how you say "pushed past their self-consciousness." That's it exactly! I'm glad you, too, have had such an experience.

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