Aug 31Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

I'm not making this up so we shall have yet more commo ground, but my house means a lot to me, and an apartment I lived in for 11 years in upper Manhattan did. This house is the center of my existence, and I've been here since December 1983. It is filled with my and my husband's beloved books. I've made it as comfrtable as I can. I've always spent a lot of time in my homes. It contains precious memories. M younger daughter lives with me, in a large room which can accommodate her several projects: movie videos, self-published short fictions, she has taken art ourses too.

We are not unusual for the centrality of one's nest is celebrated in Bachelard, and its loss or destruction an important tragic motif in many books. Think of Fanny Price and Mansfield Park fir a woman's classic. I have an autobiographical blog (I've 3 atWordpress) but am not sure I've dwelt on this house in a knowing major way though I've told how important it's been since my husband died 11 years ago. https://austenreveries.wordpress.com/

Tell me explicitly how much I would have to pay to join in and where I should clck.

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Oh dear Ellen, I am not at all surprised you and I have this commonality! I love what you share about your current home and what it means to you, as well as your past apartment. Wonderful thoughts about the centrality of home in literature and philosophy. Indeed, we are not the only ones who feel this way!

I'm looking forward to reading your blog. And good news! You are already a paid subscriber. These essays will already be available to you. I'm so thankful for your presence in this space.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

Good that I'm paid up. You've given me a new explicit angle, but first I must rite about the death of my second cat yesterday. I'll be up to it by Monday I hope

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I am so sorry for that loss. My cats mean so much to me. Sending love and hugs your way.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

Ian and I (so to speak) lost Clarycat this past November; I had a stroke in January -- annus horribilis; death has been visiting my house too often this year

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

I just counted, and I have had 13 addresses in my life! My first one I lived at until I was one and a half, but my first memory occurred in that house. I associate each one of those dwellings with different major life and world events. Thinking and writing about houses is a rich way to explore what shapes us. Wishing you the best with sharing this project!

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Thank you, Tania! Isn't it satisfying to think of all our homes and what they've meant? Now I wonder what type of form poem would best house a walk-through of our former addresses...?

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

Definitely a sestina!

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That's what I was thinking!

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

Every house I've ever lived in has been a "character." (I like how you put it that way.) Nesting location is super important to me.

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Well said, Jenn! "Nesting location is super important to me." YES.

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

They also all have stories. And show up (in modified dream form--I anticipate you know what that is like) in my dreams.

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Oh same, same, Jenn. These old homes of mines appear again and again when I'm sleeping.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

So much to think about! We still go "home" when we travel to PA :-)! Although I am not sure I would want to live there anymore, there is a belonging part to Lancaster Co!

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It's so strange when home isn't home any longer, but it's also still home. Strange and beautiful. I'm thankful for those places that hold a space for us, even after we've gone.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

This is so good 😭

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Thank you, Ruth!

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

My favorite house was a rental in a small beach town. As a child, I was fascinated by the number of doors...8 total leading outside. A wrap around porch, a servants quarters off the kitchen where me and my cousins slept. A winding staircase. A room.my mom claimed was haunted for the sounds she heard late at night while reading The Turn of the Screw. A screened porch where my grandma taught me to play cards, or tried to. A short path to the bay where a red boat sat on the sand. If I got in that boat and sailed off, where would it take me.

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Oh, thank you for sharing this. I think that house is a story waiting to be told! I am in love with that red boat.

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Sep 2Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

For sure, a story! I wrote a poem about it Yeats ago for a poetry class. That house will always be in my heatt.

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You mean there are people who don't think of houses as real characters?

This is such a lovely reflection on the meaning of home, Rebecca. It's somewhere I've been searching for all my life. I'm so excited for your memoir!

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Thank you for being here, Tiffany. I knew you would understand.

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Sep 4Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

I think about homes a lot (and renovate homes A LOT). My favorite house has been our 1920s brick bungalow. Unfortunately we outgrew it...but the book I started to write was centered around this place!

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I want to read that book, Malinda! All the heart eyes for 1920s bungalows... and the sorrow over the houses that are too small to hold us anymore, even if we went back to them.

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Sep 5Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

We had a significantly bad foundation problem there…the story is kinda crazy! Which makes for a good book, right? :D

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It sure does! Good metaphor possibilities, too…

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Sep 4Liked by Rebecca D. Martin

"the unique ways we walk through this life"

ah - sigh - *drinks a mouthful of local rosé wine*

cheers - neighbor friend.

let's tea soon and speak wise words...or wisest of all, say nothing at all *shrugs and smiles 'in French'*

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Yes, indeed!

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